Train the Trainer Workshop

The School of Nursing and Midwifery’s (SONAM) Gerontology and Geriatric (GAG) and Public Health (PH) clinical streams are organised a two-day Train the Trainer workshop to commemorate ‘International Day of Older Persons 2018’ (IDOP) from November 13th till 14th 2018. The theme for IDOP this year is Celebrating Older Human Rights Champions.

The focus of this two-day workshop was to prepare the healthcare providers in the identification and management of issues like dementia, delirium and depression among older people, which are a few often ignored health concerns due to lack of awareness and training. The workshop was attended by Ms Ashraf Valliani and Mr Abdul Rehman, Senior Lecturers from Ziauddin College of Nursing that proved to be a thought provoking event.

Workshop Objectives

To enable the participants to:

  • discuss health as a basic human right for older people;
  • appreciate age-specific health needs for older people;
  • recognize the importance of geriatric assessment as a key element in determining and managing conditions such as delirium, dementia and depression;
  • understand  the socioeconomic issues of ageing; and
  • discuss special considerations in communication with older people.